2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 19

Welcome to Week 19 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge!

The fit tip article I ran into a couple of years ago, but I like it and wanted to share it with you again. It is all about figuring what works for you and most important make it a part of your life. The recipe is a simple chicken sandwich that includes ingredients to make your own barbecue sauce if you want.

Below are the fit tip and recipe of the week:

Please Note:

For those of you signed up and participating in the Movin’ Mountains Challeng there is still 4 weeks left before final weigh-ins. We are working on how it is all going to look and I will share that information with you next week. Our primary concern is to keep all of us safe and healthy.

Have a great rest of your week.

-Carolyn Harvey