Mercado de la granja a la mesa

Vaya a experimentar lo mejor en productos regionales, carnes/aves, huevos, lácteos y otros productos cultivados y criados localmente. Obtenga los productos más frescos mientras apoyar las tradiciones agrícolas de la región y la comunidad agrícola.

Farm to Table Market

Experience the best in regional produce,
meat/poultry, eggs, dairy and other locally
grown and raised products. Get the freshest
products while supporting the region’s fanning
traditions and agricultural community.

Week 2 of the 2021 Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Challenge!

Link: Week 2 MM Newsletter

Welcome to Week 2 of the 2021 Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Challenge.

Fit Tip:

Exercise outside:

With summer weather approaching, now is a perfect time to get some fresh air and some vitamin D: go on a run, go on a walk, ride a bike, do some yoga, garden or get some yard work done, jump rope.

Exercising inside:

Don’t want to go outside? Okay, that’s fine. There are still many ways to stay fit inside your house: If you have a treadmill, walk or run, house walking, push-ups, squats, stretch, yoga, calf raises, lunges, planks, wall sits.

Priorización de la vacuna

La Autoridad de Salud de Oregón, en línea con la orientación del CDC, ha establecido un enfoque gradual para asegurar que proporcionamos las primeras vacunas a los trabajadores críticos de la salud que trabajan con pacientes de COVID-19

Por favor, vea el calendario de prioridades de la vacuna adjunta, según lo descrito por OHA (basado en la disponibilidad de vacunas).

Si bien la introducción de una vacuna es una buena noticia, no termina la pandemia. Va a llevar tiempo para que la vacuna esté ampliamente disponible y ampliamente distribuida aquí en Oregón.

Vaccine Prioritization

Oregon Health Authority in line with CDC guidance has set a phased approach to ensure we provide the first vaccines to critical health care workers who work with COVID-19 patients.

Please see the attached vaccine prioritization schedule as outlined by OHA (Based on Vaccine availability).

While the introduction of a vaccine is good news, it does not end the pandemic. It is going to take time for the vaccine to be widely available and widely distributed here in Oregon.

Paid Leave Available for COVID-19 Quarantine or Isolation

Do you have to quarantine or isolate because of COVID-19 but don’t have paid time off?

A new program starts this week to help people who work in Oregon and need to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19 exposure, but do not have access to COVID-19-related paid sick leave.
The COVID-19 Temporary Paid Leave Program was created with $30 million received from the federal government to help Oregon respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

People who qualify will receive a $120 per-day payment for up to 10 working days ($1,200 total) for the time they are required quarantine.
Employees can apply online starting today at


The application form is available in English, Spanish, and Russian. Those who do not have access to electronic applications can call 833-685-0850 (toll-free) or 503-947-0130. Those who need help in a language other than these three can call 503-947-0131 for help.

The Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) and the Department of Revenue are collaborating on the new program to ensure employees meet the necessary eligibility requirements. To see if you meet them, take this eligibility quiz

or see the requirements on the DCBS site.


Because the available funds are limited, the program is available only to quarantine periods that were in place on or after Sept. 16. Applicants can claim only one quarantine period.

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 19

Welcome to Week 19 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge!

The fit tip article I ran into a couple of years ago, but I like it and wanted to share it with you again. It is all about figuring what works for you and most important make it a part of your life. The recipe is a simple chicken sandwich that includes ingredients to make your own barbecue sauce if you want.

Below are the fit tip and recipe of the week:

Please Note:

For those of you signed up and participating in the Movin’ Mountains Challeng there is still 4 weeks left before final weigh-ins. We are working on how it is all going to look and I will share that information with you next week. Our primary concern is to keep all of us safe and healthy.

Have a great rest of your week.

-Carolyn Harvey

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 18

Welcome to Week 18 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

I have attached the fit tip of the week and recipe. The fit tip is on the benefits of interval training. It can help when you are having trouble finding the time to exercise but can still benefit by increasing your work load. Do start it slowly so you can move the next day and not injure yourself. The recipe is quick and easy one for breakfast…we had it over the weekend.

I picked up the 5% weight loss awards on Monday and they look really nice! We partner with the Madras High School Manufacturing class to support their program. I will get a display set up and email out a picture in the next couple of weeks. Only 5 more weeks to go and yes that is a firm end date. This has definitely been a different year and I am eager to see how many finish and what the results are…6 months is a long time!

Below are the fit tip of the week and recipe:

Hope you, your home and your livelihood survived the horrible storm over the weekend. Take good care.

-Carolyn Harvey

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 17

Welcome to Week 17 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

The recipe this week is one I have used for years and with us going into some warmer weather I thought you might enjoy it. The dressing is what makes the salad so yummy. The fit tip is on the importance of eating real food and not over using meal replacement drinks or bars. I do think there can be a place for them if you do not have the ability to get somewhere for food. I did do meal replacement drinks when I personal trained clients at 5am in the morning BUT only as a way to get to the time I could eat real food. Remember there is no replacement for food and the nutritional benefits of it!

Attached are the fit tip and recipe of the week.

Looks like there is 6 more weeks of the challenge…as we get closer to final weigh-ins I will let you know what the process will look like…easy I hope.

-Carolyn Harvey