2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 19
Welcome to Week 19 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge! The fit tip article I ran into a couple of years ago, but I like it and wanted […]
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But we are proud to say that Carolyn Harvey contributed 19 entries already.
Welcome to Week 19 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge! The fit tip article I ran into a couple of years ago, but I like it and wanted […]
Welcome to Week 18 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge! I have attached the fit tip of the week and recipe. The fit tip is on the benefits of interval […]
Welcome to Week 17 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge! The recipe this week is one I have used for years and with us going into some warmer weather I […]
Welcome to Week 16 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge! I found a really easy and healthy cauliflower fried rice recipe that has only 108 calories in a cup serving […]
Welcome to Week 15 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge! Since we are not able to teach our exercise classes I realized the other day how little I stretch and […]
Welcome to Week 14 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge! Fit Tip: Although fat got a lot of flak in the carb-crazy ‘90s, fat is actually very important to a […]
Welcome to Week 13 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge! Fit Tip: One of the major benefits of drinking water is the aid in weight loss. I know for myself […]
Welcome to Week 12 of the Jefferson County Moivn’ Mountains Challenge! Fit Tip: I received a great article written in the New York Times by Andrew Reiner from a very […]
Welcome to Week 11 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Challenge! Fit Tip: I was asked to look for information on portion control and found this document from a study […]
Welcome to Week 10 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Challenge! Fit Tip: This Sunday is Easter so I thought sending a recipe to bake cookies might be fun. Yes, […]
Chris Sanders
Website Coordinator
541-475-4456 Ext. 4224
JeffCo Connects Community Website is a project of Jefferson County partners. Our partnership network formed with the goal of improving community health and wellness through improved connections.
Ken Klock: Flickr
Courtney Barks