2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 18

Welcome to Week 18 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

I have attached the fit tip of the week and recipe. The fit tip is on the benefits of interval training. It can help when you are having trouble finding the time to exercise but can still benefit by increasing your work load. Do start it slowly so you can move the next day and not injure yourself. The recipe is quick and easy one for breakfast…we had it over the weekend.

I picked up the 5% weight loss awards on Monday and they look really nice! We partner with the Madras High School Manufacturing class to support their program. I will get a display set up and email out a picture in the next couple of weeks. Only 5 more weeks to go and yes that is a firm end date. This has definitely been a different year and I am eager to see how many finish and what the results are…6 months is a long time!

Below are the fit tip of the week and recipe:

Hope you, your home and your livelihood survived the horrible storm over the weekend. Take good care.

-Carolyn Harvey