2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 16

Welcome to Week 16 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

I found a really easy and healthy cauliflower fried rice recipe that has only 108 calories in a cup serving size. The recipe does not call for any lean protein but you could definitely add it to the rice. If chopping up the cauliflower to get it to the right consistency is too labor-intensive you can often find it at the store already in the correct form. The fit tip document is on breaking through weight-loss plateaus which we all run into at some point is a weight-loss program. With the program continuing for 2 more months this could definitely be something you are experiencing. Take a look at where you are at an see if any of these suggestions can help.

Attached are the recipe and fit tip of the week.

Have a great rest of your week!

-Carolyn Harvey

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 15

Welcome to Week 15 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

Since we are not able to teach our exercise classes I realized the other day how little I stretch and how much better I feel when I do. It is one of those things that if you do not do it on a regular basis you really get stiff and boy have I experienced that! Just taking 10-15 minutes every day will help you feel so much better and the benefits are amazing.

Attached is the recipe of the week which is one I use a lot not only for breakfast but dinner and the fit tip on the benefits of stretching.

Reminder: The Movin’ Mountains Program has been extended for two month with final weigh-ins scheduled for July 9-11, 2020. Weigh-ins would have been this week so now you have more time to make the changes you want.

As things start to open up in the county please continue to be smart as you take care of your health and others.

-Carolyn Harvey

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 14

Welcome to Week 14 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

Fit Tip:

Although fat got a lot of flak in the carb-crazy ‘90s, fat is actually very important to a healthy diet. Fat comes in two main forms: unsaturated and saturated fat. Unsaturated fats are oils — the kind that are fluid at room temperature (such as olive and canola oils). Saturated fats are solid at room temperature (think a stick of butter or glob of coconut oil).

You need both kinds in your diet, but the majority should come from unsaturated fats. The current recommendation is that you get about 25%-35% of your daily calories from fat (that’s 56-78 grams of fat on a 2,000-calorie diet), with no more than 10 percent (22 grams) coming from saturated fat.

So what does fat actually do for you?

  1. It’s a major fuel source for your body (meaning it provides a lot of calories) and the main way you store energy.
  2. You need fat to help you absorb certain nutrients, such as fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K) and antioxidants (like lycopene and beta-carotene).
  3. Fat is important in giving your cells structure.
  4. Omega-3 fats, a type of unsaturated fat, are important for optimum nerve, brain and heart function. The one type of fat you don’t need are Trans fats, they are an artificial kind of fat found in partially hydrogenated oils and in lots of fast foods.

And by the way, eating fat won’t necessarily make you fat. Although it does have more calories per gram than carbohydrate and protein, fat makes food more flavorful and satiating, which may mean that you don’t need as much to feel satisfied. So when you look at your diet remember you need all nutrients and eliminating certain ones like carbs, fat etc. is never the answer.

Attached is the recipe of the week (one of my favorites which we had last Saturday) and a document related to the fit tip containing healthy fats to consume.

Keep up the good work of taking care of your health!

-Carolyn Harvey

Family Independence Initiative seeking Jefferson County families

The Family Independence Initiative, a program to help families strengthen their financial futures, is seeking 450 families to enroll in the online-based opportunity. Families receive money to register, and then receive financial compensation to journal their financial journeys monthly into an online portal called UpTogether. Paul Haeder, the site coordinator for both Jefferson and Lincoln Counties’ FII projects, states he has 40 families enrolled thus far in Jefferson County (200 households in Lincoln).The program is also supported by Oregon DHS (not managed or overseen by DHS) in an effort to help understand how families can lift themselves and each other out of poverty. To enroll in the program, contact Paul at paul@fii.org or call him at 509-879-9337. To learn more about the program, go to www.fii.org.

Central Oregon National Forests Offer Free Personal Use Firewood for Month of May

Are  you in need of firewood? Beginning May 1st and continuing through May 31st, the Deschutes and Ochoco National Forest and the Crooked River National Grassland will offer free personal use firewood cutting, without the normal requirements to obtain a permit from a Forest Service Office or vendor. Firewood cutters will be able to take up to 4 cords of firewood for personal use only and will be required to follow the same rules and regulations that are in effect during the regular firewood cutting season. See the attached news release for more information.

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 13

Welcome to Week 13 of the Movin’ Mountains Fitness Challenge!

Fit Tip:

One of the major benefits of drinking water is the aid in weight loss. I know for myself if I am feeling hungry quite often I am dehydrated, so if I drink water I eat less. The normal recommendations for the amount of water to drink is eight 8oz. glasses per day. Also, if you are thirsty you are probably already somewhat dehydrated so do not use that as an indicator of whether or not you need to drink water.

Attached are the recipe and fit tip of the week. As we go into warmer weather I wanted to attach the benefits of drinking water document. The recipe for this week is a healthier Cobb Salad minus the bacon.

Have a great rest of your week!

-Carolyn Harvey

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 12

Welcome to Week 12 of the Jefferson County Moivn’ Mountains Challenge!

Fit Tip:

I received a great article written in the New York Times by Andrew Reiner from a very good friend of mine on the benefits of walking especially in this stressful time. The article talked a lot about how many people (and men in particular…sorry about that) look at walking as not actual “exercise”. I thought about attaching the article but the quote I am putting in really addresses why you can walk and benefit from it:

  • “ I embrace walking these days because it feels, well, fitting in these frantic times. As a blog post for the Anxiety and Depression Association of America puts it: “Psychologists studying how exercise relieves anxiety and depression suggest that a 10-minute walk may be just as good as a 45-minute workout”.
  • If this terrifying, historic moment has done anything positive, it has forced us to slow down, to be more present, more aware.
  • I walk now not just to get good exercise but to feel that connection to my breath, my feet and to the earth.

I did reattach the Walk Your Way To Health document that I put in your packets in case it is something you might want to share with others. I like it as a guide not only for walking but can be used as a tool to up your running at a doable pace. The recipe is one I tend to share every year, I make it regularly. It can be modified to use a white fish instead of salmon in case you do not like it.

-Carolyn Harvey

Emergency Closure Free Meals Program

During the statewide school closure, free breakfast and lunch are being provided through the Emergency School Closure Meal Program. The program will be providing both meal servings for pick up (grab and go) at a single time. Meals are available to any child 18 years and younger. Children must be present to receive meals.

For a location near you see the image below or check out the information page at: https://www.jcsd.k12.or.us/emergency-closure-meals-program/


Food Safety Questions In The Time Of COVID-19 – OSU Extension Service

Do you have questions about COVID-19 affecting your food safety. Check out this article written by Glenda Hyde, the Family and Community Health Educator for the OSU Extension Service in Jefferson, Crook, Deschutes, and Wheeler Counties.

2020 Movin’ Mountains Slimdown Challenge Week 11

Welcome to Week 11 of the Jefferson County Movin’ Mountains Challenge!

Fit Tip:

I was asked to look for information on portion control and found this document from a study at Cornell University. So a lot of the ideas in this weeks fit tip reference that study. I liked a lot of them and hopefully they will give you yet another tool. There are two recipes this week that are easy and do not need a lot of ingredients.

Attached are the fit tip which is on portion control and recipe that has two easy ideas:

Hopefully you are continuing to take care of your health and using the added time to make those healthy changes in your lifestyle. If there are any topics you would like me to look into please let me know. I have a library of ideas but can always add to it.

Have a great weekend,

-Carolyn Harvey